1. Ultimate Reference to All PHP Variable Handling Functions

Since we can utilize the PHP programming language in many ways with its vast functionality, it allows us to handle the defined variables using variable handling functions. We can use these functions in many ways to check the data contained inside a variable just like we use the array functions to manipulate the PHP arrays. This tutorial serves as a guide and reference list of all the PHP variable handling functions, and anyone can find and know more about the functions, which can be used to manipulate the variables.

1.1. How to Use Variable Handling Functions?

The PHP variable handling functions are part of the PHP programming language, and there is no need to install or configure them for use except for the unserialize function, which needs a little configuration if required. Therefore, we can utilize these functions freely without the need for any prior setup.

Tutorial Contents:

  1. What are Variable Handling Functions?
  2. Reference List
  3. Reference Links

2. Search Reference For PHP Variable Handling Functions

The below reference table has all the PHP variable handling functions with an ultimate and up-to-date list that we can utilize in developing various projects. Type the name and instantly find the desired function with a brief description.

2.1. Alphabetical Reference

PHP Variable Handling Functions
Function Description
boolval() The PHP boolval() function returns the boolean value of a variable.
debug_zval_dump() This PHP debug_zval_dump() function dumps the string value of a variable to output.
doubleval() Just like the PHP floatval() function, we can utilize the doubleval() variable handling function to get the float value.
empty() In order to check if a variable is empty or not, we can use this PHP empty() function.
floatval() It works similarly to the PHP doubleval() function and returns the float value of a variable.
get_debug_type() This PHP get_debug_type() function gets the value of a variable in such a way that we can use this value for debugging.
get_defined_vars() The PHP get_defined_vars() function returns an array of all the defined variables.
get_resource_id() This PHP get_resource_id() variable handling function gets the integer identifier for a given resource, which we can further manipulate.
get_resource_type() This get_resource_type() variable handling function returns the type of a resource in the PHP language.
gettype() In order to know the type of a variable, we can utilize the gettype() function.
intval() This PHP intval() function returns the integer value of a variable.
is_array() In order to check if a variable is an array or not, we can make use of the PHP is_array() function.
is_bool() To find out if a variable returns a boolean value or not, we can utilize the is_bool() function.
is_callable() To know if the content of a variable can be used as a function, we can use the PHP is_callable() function.
is_countable() In order to find if the value of a variable is countable or not, we can use the PHP is_countable() function.
is_double() This PHP is_double() function returns true if the type of a variable is float.
is_float() Just like is_double(), the is_float() function returns true if the variable is of type float.
is_int() The PHP is_int() function returns true if the variable is of type string.
is_integer() Just like is_int() and is_long(), the is_integer() returns true if the variable is of type integer.
is_iterable() To find out whether the value of a variable is iterable, we can utilize the is_iterable() function.
is_long() Just like is_int(), the PHP is_long() function returns true if a variable is of type integer.
is_null() This PHP is_null() function returns true if a variable is NULL.
is_numeric() In order to find if a variable is a number or numeric string, we can make use of the PHP is_numeric() function.
is_object() To check if a variable is an object or not, we can utilize the PHP is_object() variable handling function.
is_real() In order to check if a variable is of type float() or double(), we can use the PHP is_real() function.
is_resource() This PHP is_resrource() function returns whether a variable is a resource or not.
is_scalar() In order to know if a variable is scalar or not, we can use the is_scalar() function.
is_string() This is_string() function checks if the type of a variable is a string or not.
isset() In order to check if a variable is defined and declared in our PHP file, we can make use of the isset() function.
print_r() Just like the var_dump(), the PHP print_r() function outputs the variable values in human-readable form.
serialize() This serialize() variable handling function converts the data into a storable serialized representation.
settype() In order to convert the data of a variable, we can utilize the PHP settype() variable handling function.
strval() This strval() function returns the string value of a variable.
unserialize() Unlike serialize(), the PHP unserialize() variable handling function converts the serialized data into actual data.
unset() Whenever we use the PHP unset() function, the value of the variable is lost.
var_dump() This widely used var_dump() function dumps the values of one or multiple variables.
var_export() The PHP var_export() function returns the structured data of a variable.

3. Reference Links

For this reference tutorial, we searched and filtered the below resources to write up a clear, up-to-date, and ultimate guide of all Variable Handling Functions in the PHP programming language.

  • We used W3schools.com as a reference, to sum up this astonishing reference of all PHP variable handling functions.
  • We also went through PHP.NET to finalize an up-to-date and latest list of all PHP variable handling functions in this reference.
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