1. Basic Kotlin Syntax

Kotlin is a statically typed language and has a concise syntax as compared to Java programming. In this Kotlin tutorial, we will discuss the syntax, basics, and usage of Kotlin programming. Let us look at the basic syntax and logic of the Kotlin language.

1.1. Kotlin Syntax

In order to understand the syntax of Kotlin programming, we will take the simplest example below.


fun main() {
	println("Hello TutsInsider!")
Hello TutsInsider!

1.2. Syntax Explanation

The above example depicts the simplest Kotlin program. Let us dissect this code and learn various components of Kotlin programming.

  • We used fun keyword to define a function, which is a block of code to perform a particular task.
  • The fun keyword declares the main() function, which executes the code.
  • The code inside the curly braces {} of the main() function is executed.
  • Most Importantly, declaring the main() function is a must in every Kotlin program.
  • Further, the println() function is inside the main() function, which is executed whenever the main() function executes.
  • The println() function prints the output/text. In this case, it prints Hello TutsInsider!.
  • Moreover, the semi-colon(;) at the end of the code statements in Kotlin language is optional, as we use it in Java or other programming languages.

1.3. Kotlin Parameters

Before the release of Kotlin 1.3, it was a must to use parameters for the main() function. In the above example case, we will have to write the code as below.


fun main(args : Array) {
	println("Hello TutsInsider!")
Hello TutsInsider!

The parameters in the main() function are not required now, and the function will execute properly without the parameters. However, if you were using it in the past and still use it in your Kotlin code, it will work fine.

Tutorial Contents:

  1. Syntax of Kotlin
  2. Basics of Kotlin
  3. Kotlin Usage

2. What are Kotlin Basics?

In order to learn Kotlin, we need to know some basics of this language. Below are some basics of Kotlin programming.

  • Firstly, Kotlin is a high-level language with a type interface.
  • Google officially supports Kotlin programming for Android app development.
  • Since it is statically typed, therefore it helps to write concise Kotlin code.
  • Its compatibility with JVM makes it interoperable with Java language.
  • It uses nullable and non-nullable types due to its built-in null safety system.
  • The ability to add new functions to existing classes enhances the Kotlin code reusability and readability.
  • Kotlin is helpful in cross-platform development.
  • We can also compile Kotlin code to JavaScript language.
  • Kotlin also provides support for Lambdas.

3. Basic Usage of Kotlin Language

The versatility of Kotlin, its interoperability with Java, and its modern features contribute to its adoption in a variety of real-world scenarios. As the Kotlin language continues to evolve, its areas of application are likely to expand further. The below list describes the usage of Kotlin language in some of the fields although there are numerous other uses.

  • We can use Kotlin language at any place where Java code works.
  • Android App Development We can build Android apps using Kotlin language which is officially supported by Google.
  • Cross-Platform Development The multi-platform enables Kotlin to share code between Android and IOS making cross-platform development possible.
  • Server-Side Development Frameworks like Ktor provide a concise and modern way to build server-side applications
  • Frontend Development We can use Kotlin language for frontend web development using Ktor.
  • Backend Development Using the Spring framework, we can use Kotlin for robust and scaleable backend development.
  • Data Science and Analytics The KotlinDL library allows Kotlin to be used for machine learning purposes.
  • Game Development The libGDX framework enables us to develop games using Kotlin programming.


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