1. Ultimate Reference to All HTML Attributes

HTML Markup attributes are a special type of instructions that are given to an HTML5 element. Moreover, the attributes depend on HTML tags, and a specific element can have a specific attribute. However, there are certain HTML attributes, which are used as global attributes and can be used with all types of elements. The below table lists all the HTML attributes and acts as an ultimate and up-to-date guide and reference.

Tutorial Contents:

  1. Ultimate Reference to All HTML Attributes
  2. List of All HTML Attributes
  3. Reference Links

2. Search Ultimate Reference For HTML Attributes

The below reference table has all the HTML attributes with an ultimate and up-to-date list that we can utilize in HTML5 markup. Type the name of the attribute and instantly find the associated HTML5 tag or element with that attribute.

2.1. Alphabetical Reference

HTML Attributes Reference
Attribute Tag Name Description
abbr <td>, <th> This HTML attribute specifies the abbreviation and accepts a text value.
accept <form> This HTML attribute restricts the user to select a specific type of file (only for type="file").
accept <input> This HTML attribute restricts the user to select a specific type of file (only for type="file").
accept-charset <form> This HTML attribute defines the character encoding which is used for form submission.
accesskey Global Attribute This HTML attribute creates a shortcut key to focus on an element.
action <form> This HTML attribute specifies the target location to send the form data.
align <applet>, <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <legend>, <hr>, <div>, <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <p>, <object>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> This HTML attribute was utilized to align the content according to surrounding elements.
alink <body>, <form> This HTML attribute defines the color of the link when a user selects it.
allow <iframe> This HTML attribute declares a feature policy for the iframe element.
allowtransparency <iframe> This HTML attribute defines the transparency of an iframe element.
alt <applet> This HTML attribute defines an alternative text for the applet element.
alt <area>, <img alt="alt-text">, <input> This HTML attribute specifies an alternative text to display when original elements fail to produce the results.
archive <applet>, <object> This HTML attribute specifies a list of URIs separated by spaces.
async <script> This HTML attribute loads an external script asynchronously with the page.
autocapitalize Global Attribute This HTML attribute sets the input automatically capitalize when entered by the user.
autocomplete <form>, <input> This HTML attribute enables or disables the autocomplete features for form elements i.e. whether to show the drop-down list or not.
autofocus <button>, <input>, <select>, <textarea> This HTML attribute enables an element to get in focus on the loading of the page.
autoplay <audio>, <video> This HTML attribute plays the video or audio automatically after getting ready.
axis <td>, <th> This HTML attribute creates a list of related headers separated by commas.
background <body>, <table>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, <td>, <thead>, <th>, <tr> This HTML attribute sets the background image by taking the image URL.
bgcolor <body>, <col>, <colgroup>, <marquee>, <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>, <body>, <tfoot> This HTML attribute sets the background color of an element.
border <img>, <input>, <object>, <table> This HTML attribute defines the width of the border for an element.
bordercolor <table> This HTML attribute defines the color of the border for an element.
bottommargin <body> This HTML attribute sets the margin at the bottom of the page.
buffered <audio>, <video> This HTML attribute stores the buffered time of an audio or video.
capture <input> This HTML attribute specifies that a new file should be captured and a device to capture that file.
cellpadding <table> This HTML attribute sets the spacing within the cells.
cellspacing <table> This HTML attribute sets the space between the cells.
challenge <keygen> This HTML attribute submits a challenge string along with a public key.
char <col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <td> <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> This HTML attribute declares a alignment char, e.g. char=':'.
charoff <col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <td> <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> This HTML attribute sets the offset for the alignment char.
charset <a>, <link>, <meta>, <script> This HTML attribute specifies the character encoding for the current document or external script file.
checked <command>, <input> This HTML attribute makes an input field pre-selected when the page loads.
cite <blockquote>, <del>, <ins>, <q> This HTML attribute is used to cite a quoted text, mark a deleted text, or inserted text.
class Global Attribute except <base>, <basefont>, <head>, <html> <meta>, <param>, <script>, <style>, <title> This HTML attribute adds one or more classes for an element.
classid <object> This HTML attribute identifies the implementation of the URI.
clear <br> This HTML attribute controls the flow of text.
code <applet>, <object> This HTML attribute sets the URL of the applet's class file for loading.
codebase <applet>, <object> This HTML attribute provides the absolute or relative URL of the directory that stores the class files of the applet element.
codetype <object> This HTML attribute tells about the content type of the code attribute.
color <basefont>, <font>, <hr> This HTML element specifies the color of the text of an element.
cols <frameset>, <textarea> This HTML attribute sets the visible width of a textarea by specifying the number of columns.
colspan <td>, <th> This HTML attribute enables a table cell to span to the specified number of columns.
compact <dir>, <dl>, <menu>, <ol>, <ul> This HTML attribute declares the spacing between the items.
content <meta> This HTML attribute sets the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute
contenteditable Global Attribute This HTML attribute makes the content of an element editable by the user.
contextmenu Global Attribute This HTML attribute defines the ID of a menu element which will serve as the element's context menu.
controls <audio>, <img>, <link>, <script>, <video> This HTML attribute makes the controls of an audio or video player visible.
coords <a> This HTML attribute set the coordinates of an area.
coords <area> This HTML attribute set the coordinates of an area.
crossorigin <a>, <area> This HTML attribute defines the behavior of an element and how it controls the cross-origin requests.
csp <a>, <area> This HTML attribute specifies the Content Security Policy to follow for an embedded document.
data <object> This HTML attribute defines the URL of the resource and makes it usable by the object.
data-* Global Attribute This HTML attribute allows attaching custom attributes to an element.
datapagesize <table> This HTML attribute is unnecessary for the table element.
datasrc <a>, <button>, <div>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <label>, <legend>, <marquee>, <object>, <option>, <select>, <span>, <table>, <textarea> This HTML attribute declares the identifier of the data source that is linked to the element.
datafld <a>, <button>, <div>, <fieldset>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <label>, <legend>, <marquee>, <object>, <select>, <span>, <textarea> This HTML attribute defines the XML note that will be placed inside the HTML element.
dataformatas <button>, <div>, <input>, <label>, <legend>, <marquee>, <object>, <select>, <span>, <table> This HTML attribute declares the rules of how data will be rendered.
datetime <del>, <ins>, <time> This HTML attribute attaches the date and time of an event to an element.
declare <object> This HTML attribute declares the object but does not instantiate it.
decoding <img> This HTML attribute includes the decoding preference for an image.
default <track> This HTML attribute sets the default subtitle track for a video.
defer <script> This HTML attribute loads the external script after the page is loaded.
dir Global Attribute except <applet>, <base>, <basefont>, <bdo>, <br>, <frame>, <frameset>, <iframe>, <param>, <script> This HTML attribute declares the direction of the text in an element.
dirname <input>, <textarea> This HTML attribute also submits the direction of the field along with the form.
disabled <button>, <command>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <optgroup>, <option>, <select>, <textarea> This HTML attribute disables an element and prohibits user interaction.
download <a>, <area> This HTML attribute downloads the resource that is linked upon clicking the hyperlink.
draggable Global Attribute This HTML attribute makes an element draggable on the screen if it is set to "true".
dropzone All Elements This HTML attribute specifies instructions for the dragged data to copy, move, or link upon dropping.
enctype <form> This HTML attribute defines the encoding or content type of the data when a form is submitted by the "post" method.
enterkeyhint <textarea>, <contenteditable> This HTML attribute defines the action label (or icon) to display for the enter key on virtual keyboards.
event <script> This HTML attribute sets or retrieves the event for which the script is written.
face <basefont>, <font> This HTML attribute defines a list of font names separated by commas.
for <script> This HTML attribute sets or retrieves the object that is bound to the event script.
for <label>, <output> This HTML attribute tells the association of the label or output tag to another element.
form <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <keygen>, <label>, <meter>, <object>, <output>, <progress>, <select>, <textarea> This HTML attribute contains the name of the <form> to which the current element is associated.
formaction <button>, <input> This HTML attribute specifies the target location of the data to send, upon form submission only for the "submit" type.
formenctype <button>, <input> This HTML attribute sets the encoding type to incorporate while form submission only for the "submit" type.
formmethod <button>, <input> This HTML attribute declares the submission method to use during form submission (GET, POST, etc.) only for the "submit" type.
formnovalidate <button>, <input> This HTML attribute tells the browser not to validate the form upon submission only for the "submit" type.
formtarget <button>, <input> This HTML attribute declares where to display (i.e. new tab, new window, etc) the response after form submission only for the "submit" type.
frame <table> This HTML attribute indicates the browser to display which part of the table.
frameborder <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute tells the browser whether to display the border of a frame or not.
framespacing <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute sets the spacing between the frames in a frameset.
headers <td>, <th> This HTML attribute defines the relation of a cell to the header cells.
height <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <th>, <applet> This HTML attribute sets the height of an element.
height <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object>, <video> This HTML attribute declares the height of the element.
hidden Global Attribute This HTML attribute makes an element irrelevant and hides it from the screen.
high <meter> This HTML attribute sets the upper limit of a range.
href <a>, <area>, <base>, <link> This HTML attribute declares the URL of the target link.
hreflang <area> This HTML attribute tells the language of the linked document or resource.
hreflang <a>, <link> This HTML attribute tells the language of the linked document or resource.
hspace <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> This HTML attribute defines white space or padding on the left or right side of an element.
http-equiv <meta> This HTML attribute declares a pragma directive i.e. an HTTP header for the value of the content attribute.
icon <command> This HTML attribute specifies a picture to represent a command.
id Global Attribute except <base>, <head>, <html> <meta>, <script>, <style>, <title> This HTML attribute sets the ID for an HTML element.
importance <iframe>, <image>, <link>, <script> This HTML attribute indicates the relative fetch priority for the linked resource.
integrity <link>, <script> This HTML attribute specifies a subresource integrity value that enables the browser to verify what they are fetching.
intrinsicsize <img> This HTML attribute ignores the original image size and provides its own defined size for the image.
inputmode <textarea> contenteditable This HTML attribute supplies some hint about the data type while editing an element or its contents.
ismap <img> This HTML attribute enables an image to act as an image map.
itemprop Global Attribute This HTML attribute adds properties to an element.
keytype <keygen> This HTML attribute defines the type of the key value that generates.
kind <track> This HTML attribute tells the kind or type of the text/subtitle track in a video.
label <track>, <option>, <optgroup> This HTML attribute declares the title of the text/subtitle track in a video.
lang Global Attribute except <applet>, <base>, <basefont> <br>, <frame>, <frameset> <iframe>, <param>, <script> This HTML attribute defines the language of the element.
language <input>, <menu> This HTML attribute declares the title of the text/subtitle track in a video.
language <script> This HTML attribute defines the script language.
leftmargin <body> This HTML attribute sets the margin on the left side of the web page.
link <body> This HTML attribute sets the color of the links.
list <input> This HTML attribute points to the id in <datalist> element which has predefined options with values.
loading <img>, <iframe> This HTML attribute declares the loading method of an element i.e. to load "lazily" or "immediately".
longdesc <img>, <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute adds the long description file as a link.
loop <audio>, <bgsound>, <maruee>, <video> This HTML attribute will continue to play a video or audio track in a loop.
low <meter> This HTML attribute sets the lower limit of a range.
lowsrc <img> This HTML attribute adds a low-resolution image or an alternative resource image.
manifest <body> This HTML attribute defines the URL of the document's cache manifest.
marginheight <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute sets the margin height of a frame in pixels.
marginwidth <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute sets the margin width of a frame in pixels.
max <input>, <meter>, <progress> This HTML attribute states the maximum value acceptable.
maxlength <input>, <textarea> This HTML attribute defines the allowable maximum number of characters in an input field.
media <a>, <area>, <link>, <source>, <style> This HTML attribute defines the device for which the liked resource or document is optimized.
method <form> This HTML attribute sets the HTTP method to use upon form submission.
min <input>, <meter> This HTML attribute states the minimum value acceptable.
minlength <input>, <textarea> This HTML attribute defines the allowable minimum number of characters in an input field.
multiple <input>, <select> This HTML attribute enables a user to enter more than one value in an input of the type "email" or "file".
muted <video>, <audio> This HTML attribute mutes the video upon page load.
name <applet>, <a>, <embed>, <img>, <option> This HTML attribute sets the name of an applet element but now it is deprecated.
name <button>, <fieldset>, <form>, <frame>, <iframe>, <input>, <map>, <meta>, <object>, <output>, <param>, <select>, <textarea> This HTML attribute sets the name of the element from the list.
novalidate <form> This HTML attribute does not validate a form upon submission.
nohref <area> This HTML attribute tells the browser that there is no action or link.
noresize <frame> This HTML attribute enables the users to resize the frame element.
noshade <hr> This HTML attribute defines a horizontal rule in a solid color without any shade.
nowrap <td>, <th> This HTML attribute disables the word wrap ability.
object <applet> This HTML attribute specifies a serialized object file for an applet element.
onabort <audio>, <embed>, <img alt="alt-text">, <object>, <video> The script inside the onabort attribute runs or aborts media loading.
onafterprint <body> A script defined by the onafterprint attribute runs after a document prints.
onbeforeprint <body> A script defined by the onbeforeprint attribute runs before a document prints.
onbeforeunload <body> The script defined using the onbeforeunload attribute runs when the document is about to be unloaded
onblur All visible elements. When the element loses focus, the script runs as defined by the onblur HTML attribute.
oncanplay <audio>, <embed>, <object>, <video> If a file is ready to play, the script runs as defined by the oncanplay attribute.
oncanplaythrough <audio>, <video> If a file is ready to play until the end without pausing for buffering, the script runs as defined by the oncanplaythrough attribute.
onchange All visible elements. When the content of the element is changed, the script runs set by the onchange attribute.
onclick All visible elements. When someone clicks the element, the script defined by onclick runs immediately.
oncontextmenu All visible elements. A script contained in the oncontextmenu attribute runs when a context menu is triggered
oncopy All visible elements. If the user copies the content of an element, the script of the oncopy attribute runs.
oncuechange <track> A script in the oncuechange attribute triggers when the cue changes in an <track> element
oncut All visible elements. If the user cuts the content of an element, the script of the oncut attribute runs.
ondblclick All visible elements. If the user double clicks the content of an element, the script of the ondblclick attribute runs.
ondrag All visible elements. A script runs on the drag of an element. The script is defined using the ondrag attribute.
ondragend All visible elements. A script runs after the drag of an element terminates. The script is defined using the ondragend attribute.
ondragenter All visible elements. When a user drags an element to a valid drop target, a script in the ondragenter attribute runs.
ondragleave All visible elements. When an element leaves a valid drop target, a script in the ondragleave attribute runs.
ondragover All visible elements. If an element drags over a valid drop target, a script in the ondragover attribute runs.
ondragstart All visible elements. A script runs after the drag of an element starts. The script is defined using the ondragstart attribute.
ondrop All visible elements. On the drop of an element to a valid drop target, a script in the ondrop attribute runs.
ondurationchange <audio>, <video> On change of the duration of the media, a script runs defined by the ondurationchange attribute.
onemptied <audio>, <video> The script in the onemptied attribute triggers when the video or audio file becomes unavailable due o some error or fault.
onended <audio>, <video> At end of the video or audio, the script in the onended attribute triggers.
onerror <audio>, <body>, <embed>, <img alt="alt-text">, <object>, <script>, <style>, <video> A script trigger is defined in onerror when some error occurs.
onfocus All visible elements. When the element gets focused, the script runs as defined by the onblur HTML attribute.
onhashchange <body> A script in the onhashchange attribute runs if there is some change in the URL
oninput All visible elements. When an element gets input by the user, a script defined in the oninput attribute triggers.
oninvalid All visible elements. A script runs if the element gets invalid.
onkeydown All visible elements. While a user presses a key, a script is defined in onkeydown attribute triggers.
onkeypress All visible elements. When a user presses a key, a script defined in the onkeypress attribute triggers.
onkeyup All visible elements. While a user releases a key, a script is defined in onkeyup attribute triggers.
onload <body>, <iframe>, <img alt="alt-text">, <input>, <link>, <script>, <style> A script loads defined in the onload attribute after an element is finished loading.
onloadeddata <audio>, <video> A script loads defined in the onloadeddata attribute after a media in video or audio element is finished loading.
onloadedmetadata <audio>, <video> When metadata loading is finished like width, height, etc. The script is defined inside the onloadedmetadata triggers.
onloadstart <audio>, <video> Some script loads are defined in the onloadstart attribute when an element starts loading.
onmousedown All visible elements. While a user presses a mouse button on an element, a script defined in the onmousedown attribute triggers.
onmousemove All visible elements. Some script defined inside the onmousemove attribute runs as long as the mouse is moving.
onmouseout All visible elements. Some script defined inside the onmouseout attribute runs when the mouse pointer moves out of some element.
onmouseover All visible elements. A script defined inside the onmouseover attribute runs when the mouse pointer moves over some element.
onmouseup All visible elements. While a user releases a mouse button on an element, a script defined in the onmouseup attribute triggers.
onmousewheel All visible elements. When the mouse wheel scrolls over an element, a script triggers.
onoffline <body> When the browser starts working offline, the onoffline attribute triggers the script.
ononline <body> Some script triggers when the browser starts working online using the ononline attribute.
onpagehide <body> On navigating away from the page, the script inside the onpagehide attribute runs.
onpageshow <body> On navigating to the page, the script inside the onpageshow attribute runs.
onpaste All visible elements. When the user pastes some content in an element, a script inside the onpaste attribute runs.
onpause <audio>, <video> When the video or the audio pauses by the user or for some other reason, the script inside the onpause attribute runs.
onplay <audio>, <video> While the video or the audio starts playing, the script inside the onplay attribute runs.
onplaying <audio>, <video> While the video or the audio has started playing, the script inside the onplaying attribute runs.
onpopstate <body> Some script runs when the windows history changes.
onprogress <audio>, <video> When the browser is working to collect the media data, the onprogress attribute triggers the script.
onratechange <audio>, <video> When the playback speed changes, a script inside onratechange runs each time.
onreset <form> Some script triggers on pressing the reset button in a form.
onresize <body> Some script triggers resizing the window of the browser.
onscroll All visible elements. When the scrollbar of an element is being scrolled, the script inside the onscroll attribute runs.
onsearch <input> Some script runs while the user writes something in the search field.
onseeked <audio>, <video> Some script runs when the user seeks a new position on the player for audio or video.
onseeking <audio>, <video> A script runs when the user seeks a new position on the player for audio or video.
onselect All visible elements. When an element gets selected, the onselect attribute triggers some script.
onshow All visible elements. This attribute triggers some scripts when contextmenu is shown.
onstalled <audio>, <video> While the browser is unable to fetch the resourced object due to some reason, a script runs defined by the onstalled attribute.
onstorage <body> When a Web Storage area is updated, a script runs.
onsubmit <form> Upon form submission, script triggers.
onsuspend <audio>, <video> When fetching of media is stopped due to some reason in between, a script runs using the onsuspend attribute.
ontimeupdate <audio>, <video> When a user fasts forward to a new position in the player, a script runs by the ontimeupdate attribute.
ontoggle <details> Some script triggers when the user opens or closes the <details> element.
onunload <body> When the browser window is closed, some script runs.
onvolumechange <audio>, <video> A script runs each time the volume of the script changes.
onwaiting <audio>, <video> When a media pauses and chances of resuming, a script triggers.
onwheel All visible elements. Upon scrolling from an element up or down, a script triggers.
open <details>, <dialog> This HTML attribute makes the <details> to be visible to the user.
optimum <meter> This HTML attribute defines the optimal value for the gauge.
pattern <input> This HTML attribute checks the input value against a regular expression.
ping <a>, <area>, This HTML attribute adds URLs set separated by space to notify if the user follows the link.
placeholder <input>, <textarea> This HTML attribute flaunts a short hint inside an input field which tells the user to enter the desired form of data.
poster <video> This HTML attribute defines an image to be displayed on the screen while the video is downloaded until the user hits the play button.
preload <audio>, <video> This HTML attribute specifies if and how the author thinks the audio/video should be loaded with the page loading.
profile <head> This HTML attribute specifies the URI or a file or files separated by space while adding metadata.
prompt <isindex> This HTML attribute sets a prompt message.
radiogroup <command> This HTML attribute sets the name of the command to toggle when the command item itself gets activated.
readonly <input>, <textarea> This HTML attribute makes the element read-only.
referrerpolicy <a>, <area>, <iframe>, <img>, <link>, <script> This HTML attribute declares the referrer to send while fetching the document.
rel <a>, <area>, <form>, <link> This HTML attribute tells the relation between the current document and the liked document.
rev <a>, <link> This HTML attribute tells the relation between the current document and the liked document.
required <input>, <select>, <textarea> This HTML attribute restricts the users to enter the value of an input field to submit the form.
reversed <ol> This HTML attribute reverses the order of the ordered list.
rightmargin <body> This HTML attribute sets the margin of the right side of the web page.
role Global Attribute This HTML attribute sets a role for an element while interacting with assistive technologies.
rows <frameset>, <textarea> This HTML attribute sets the number of rows that are visible by default in textarrea.
rowspan <td>, <th> This HTML attribute declares the number of rows a table cell spans.
rules <table> This HTML attribute defines which parts of the inside borders are visible.
sandbox <iframe> This HTML attribute adds some more restrictions inside the <iframe> using the sandbox attribute.
scheme <meta> This HTML attribute defines a scheme to employ for the content attribute in the meta element.
scope <td>, <th> This HTML attribute specifies the scope of the header cell.
scoped <style> This HTML attribute declares the styles for the parent or children of the current element and not for the entire document.
scrolling <frame>, <iframe> This HTML attribute allows us to display the scrollbar or not.
selected <option> This HTML attribute pre-selects an option upon page loading.
shape <a> This HTML attribute defines the shape of an element.
shape <area> This HTML attribute defines the shape of an element.
size <hr>, <font>, <basefont> This HTML attribute limits characters or the number of visible options.
size <input>, <select> This HTML attribute limits characters or the number of visible options.
sizes <img>, <link>, <source> This HTML attribute defines the dimensions or size of the linked resource.
slot Global Attribute This HTML attribute assigns a slot in a shadow DOM shadow tree to an element.
span <col>, <colgroup> This HTML attribute defines the number of columns to span by a table item.
spellcheck Global Attribute This HTML attribute checks the spellings of an element if it is specified.
src <audio>, <embed>, <frame>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <source>, <track>, <video> This HTML attribute sets the source or URL of the media file.
srcdoc <iframe> This HTML attribute declares the content of the page to show in an iframe.
srclang <track> This HTML attribute declares the language of the title track.
srcset <img>, <source> This HTML attribute defines the URL of the image to use in different situations.
standby <object> This HTML attribute flaunts a message while the object element loads.
start <ol> This HTML attribute sets the starting value of an ordered list.
step <input> This HTML attribute sets the legal number intervals for an input field.
style Global Attribute except <base>, <basefont>, <head>, <html>, <meta>, <param>, <script>, <title> This HTML attribute assigns inline CSS styles to an element.
summary <table> This HTML attribute adds the purpose or structure of the data.
tabindex Global Attribute This HTML attribute sets the tabbing order of an element.
target <link> This HTML attribute sets the target location of the link to where it opens or the form submits.
target <a>, <area>, <base>, <form> This HTML attribute sets the target location of the link to where it opens or the form submits.
text <body> This HTML attribute defines the color of the text of a document.
title Global Attribute except <base>, <basefont>, <head>, <html>, <meta>, <param>, <script>, <title> This HTML attribute includes some extra information as text to an element that pops up upon hovering the element.
topmargin <body> This HTML attribute defines the margin on the top of the page.
translate Global Attribute This HTML attribute tells the browser whether the content of the element is to be translated or not.
type <li>, <area>, <menu>, <ol>, <ul>, <script>, <style> This HTML attribute defines the type of the element.
type <a>, <button>, <command>, <embed>, <input>, <link>, <object>, <param>, <source> This HTML attribute defines the type of the element.
typemustmatch <object> This HTML attribute defines the type attribute and the resource item type must match.
urn <a>, <link> This HTML attribute acts as an identity of an external document.
usemap <img>, <input>, <object> This HTML attribute declares an image to be used as a map.
valign <col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> This HTML attribute sets the verticle alignment in the cells.
value <li> This HTML attribute defines the value of an element.
value <button>, <data>, <input>, <option>, <meter>, <progress>, <param> This HTML attribute defines the value of an element.
valuetype <param> This HTML attribute tells how to interpret the value of the param element.
version <html> This HTML attribute tells the browser which HTML DTD version regulates the current document.
vlink <body> This HTML attribute sets the color of the visited links.
vspace <applet>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object> This HTML attribute sets the verticle gutter for an element.
width <applet>, <canvas>,<col>, <colgroup>, <embed>, <hr>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object>, <pre>, <table>, <td>, <th>, <video> This HTML attribute defines the width of an element.
wrap <pre>, <textarea> This HTML attribute controls the overflow of the text from the element.

Further Reference Tutorials

Below are some other material resources to get your hands on HTML attributes completely.

3. Reference Links

For this reference tutorial, we investigated, researched, and filtered the underneath assets on web, in order to build up this concrete, clear, up-to-date, and ultimate guide of HTML attributes.

  • We utilized W3schools.com as a reference to sort out this ultimate and up-to-date guide on HTML attributes.
  • We used MDN to guide ourselves about the attributes for HTML tags.
  • Also, we consulted W3ORG to finalize our list of all the HTML attributes.
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